The Bible

What is the source of the beauty, deep order and awesome complexity of the cosmos?
‘We are most ourselves not when we seek to direct and control our destiny, but when we recognize and admit that our life is grounded in and sustained by God’
What can Scripture teach us about an authentically Christian view of abortion?
What might our ordinary human intuitions have to teach us about this difficult subject?
What perspective can we gain on today’s abortion debates from delving into ancient history?
Christians must talk about the brokenness and pain everywhere around us with tears in our eyes
Working as Christians in the NHS while facing scrutiny and hostility
Pluralistic modern societies are a feature of modern healthcare systems and so we must grapple with the physician’s hidden presuppositions
We need to recover our sense of wonder and shock that the supreme God of power and glory became a fragile, vulnerable baby
There is something deeply mysterious and strange and inexplicable about human suffering