About & Contact
I am a doctor, author, speaker and research scientist.
My background is as a consultant neonatologist and academic researcher focussing on the mechanisms, treatment and prevention of brain damage in newborn infants. I am now engaged in addressing new ethical, philosophical and theological challenges caused by advances in medical science and technology. I am also fascinated by the issues raised by rapid advances in AI and robotics, and the interface between cutting-edge science and Christian faith.
My academic title is Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics & Perinatology at University College London. I am also a senior researcher at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge.
I worked as a paediatrician specialising in the care of newborn babies at a leading neonatal intensive care unit for more than 25 years. Through my clinical experience I became increasingly aware of the ethical maelstrom caused by advancing technology and contentious debates about the nature of humanity at the beginning and end of life.
I’ve now retired from frontline medical practice and I am focussing on the ethical, philosophical and theological issues raised by rapidly advancing technology.
On my website you can find information about the books I have written, my podcast and newsletter, and a range of resources to help you engage with the issues I am working on. These cover my developing thoughts on everything from abortion, science and faith, and robotics, to death and dying, genetics and Christianity. Some of this material is at an academic level, but most is also designed for lay-people and non-specialists.
I also work part-time as a medicolegal expert witness in the field of neonatology. For professional enquiries about this, please contact my legal secretary at legal.wyatt@gmail.com.
To get in touch about anything else, please use the form below.