Addressing the ethical, philosophical and theological challenges of today.

John Wyatt is a doctor, author, speaker and research scientist.

Our working and personal lives are becoming increasingly infiltrated by simulated persons
Low-tech transhumanism through something as commonplace as cosmetic surgery, is already with us
Are social media and smartphones ruining children’s mental health?
Spiritual warfare, evil and technology in the 21st century
After the Cass Report, how can Christian parents navigate the fast-changing world and culture of gender medicine?

I am a doctor, author, speaker and research scientist.

I worked as a consultant neonatologist for nearly 30 years, but I am now engaged in addressing new ethical, philosophical and theological challenges caused by advances in medical science and technology, especially AI and robotics. I am also fascinated by the interface between cutting-edge science and Christian faith. You can get in touch with me here.
