Abortion Aging Artificial intelligence Assisted suicide and euthanasia Beginning of life Christianity Coronavirus Dementia Disability Dying End of life care Genetics Healthcare Human enhancement Mental health Neonatalogy Neuroscience Personhood Philosophy Reproductive technology Robotics Science Suffering Technology The Bible The church The internet Vaccines Work
What about the ‘surplus’ eggs, and is better contraception part of the solution?
Onward Christian Soldiers, the only man in a room full of women, Bonhoeffer’s ‘cheap grace’ and Christian dating apps
The ticking biological clock, prosecco and cheese evenings, the culture war over maternal age, and living with wisdom and contentment
Always Plan A, sharing in Christ’s sufferings, a Disney fairy story, and the offensive incarnation
The myth of conflict, Charles Darwin’s beetle research, epistemic humility, and English country churchyard or Californian fridge?
Ruth and Naomi, ‘chesed’, trips to the theatre with John Stott, and an unorthodox rabbi